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"Ideea a apărut în 2016, moment în care eu eram angajată într-o corporaţie. Aş privi însă înapoi, în copilăria mea. Tot timpul am fost o persoană extrem de creativă şi desenam încă din copilărie. Din 2016 până în 2018, a urmat o perioadă de research. Am încercat să mă documentez în tot ceea ce ţine de esenţă de lemn. Am pus planul în aplicare şi am ales ca esenţă de lemn tocmai materialele din care se creează viorile, precum lemnul exotic. Am făcut primul prototip, care a suferit nenumărate modificări până s-a ajuns la o formă finală. Dorinţa mea şi primul meu gând a fost de a crea un brand din materiale naturale şi m-am gândit la lemn".
YVES ANAIS, the brand created by Adriana Man, emphasizes the connection between nature and people, through its wooden accessories. Each bag is a combination of sophisticated design and the natural beauty of wood. The brand promotes an elegant and unconventional style, with bags that convey personality and emotion. YVES ANAIS is aimed at women who appreciate uniqueness and quality, each piece being handcrafted from premium materials. The story of the brand reflects the passion for wood and the desire to create luxury, authentic and timeless objects.
Adriana Man, the designer behind Yves Anais, shares her journey of creating unique wooden handbags. Inspired by her childhood love for designing and her fascination with the natural beauty of wood, she chose wood for its distinctiveness and harmony with human personality. Each handbag emphasizes the natural grain of the wood, combining beauty and functionality. Her biggest challenge was harmonizing materials, and her bags have been praised as "royal." Yves Anais bags are versatile, suitable for both casual and formal occasions.
For more details, visit the full interview here
Adriana Man, founder of the YVES ANAIS brand, has turned her passion for art and wood into the creation of unique luxury bags. In just two years, he has made significant progress, starting from discussions with a master luthier and completing the first bag prototype in 2016. His team of four work under the belief that each bag has a distinct personality, inspired by the symbolism of the wood used.
For more details, you can access the full article here .

Welcome to the YVES ANAIS Universe!
The beauty of nature inspired us to bring the majesty but especially the elegance of trees into your life, through unique creations that contain a part of nature. Each bag is created with craftsmanship and attention to detail by our talented artisans.
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YVES ANAIS brand creations are beyond fashion trends. We don't believe in fast-fashion.
We emphasize the authenticity and lasting value of the materials of each creation, which can be passed down over generations.
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